Michael Fomenko
Software Engineer - OpenVPN-as-a-Service
September 2021 - present
Working on backend solutions for OpenVPN-as-a-Service for businesses.
Software Engineer - Stripo.email
June 2019 - August 2021
Contributed to the design, development, and testing of features using Java and Spring.
Junior Software Engineer - Ardas
May 2018 - June 2019
Developed healthcare applications, CRM, and logistics solutions with Java, Kotlin, and Spring Boot.
- Back-end: Java, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Kotlin, Go, JavaScript, Python.
- Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
- Testing: Unit, end-to-end, microservice, integration testing.
- Data Science: Actively developing skills in Machine Learning.
- Front-end: React, Redux, React Native.
- Ops-Related: GitLab Pipelines, GitHub Actions, Drone.io, AWS, Terraform, Ansible.
Courses and Books
- Spring/Spring Boot The Ripper - Evgeniy Borisov
- Reactive Spring - Josh Long
- Deep Learning Specialization - Coursera by Andrew Ng
- Applied Data Science with Python Specialization - University of Michigan
- Thinking in Java - Bruce Eckel